Meet Massage Therapist Sadie Toler
My name is Sadie and I’m a licensed massage therapist. I work here with Dr. Fenoli and the Chiropractic Clinic. We all live in
My name is Sadie and I’m a licensed massage therapist. I work here with Dr. Fenoli and the Chiropractic Clinic. We all live in
My name is Tony Fenoli. I’m the chiropractor here at Hardtner. Anything that deals with nerve, muscle, and bone, that’s kind of my wheelhouse.
We are right here in Louisiana– there’s pollen all over our cars and on buildings, and that generates an allergic response not only for
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: today, the number once cause or number one diagnosis that would lead someone to have a liver transplantation. The patient
It used to be that we would say at age 50, everybody should get a screening colonoscopy; but today, 45 is the new 50,
NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE: Provider will not discriminate based upon the individual’s race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity or ability to pay. Hardtner Medical Center offers a discounted sliding fee scale to all qualified patients.
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