Learn About Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease – Dr. Tillman
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: today, the number once cause or number one diagnosis that would lead someone to have a liver transplantation. The patient

Colonoscopies and Colon Cancer – Dr. Tilman
It used to be that we would say at age 50, everybody should get a screening colonoscopy; but today, 45 is the new 50,

Construction Begins On New Outpatient Clinic At Hardtner Medical Center
Construction Livestream
View real-time footage of the construction of the new Outpatient Facility at Hardtner Medical Center.
Open Live Stream

Welcome Dr. Ben Close, Allergist
The Board of Commissioners and Medical Staff of Hardtner Medical Center are pleased to announce the addition of Allergist Dr. Benjamin Close to our specialty team to serve the patients in the LaSalle Parish communities and beyond.

Vote in the 2021 Cenla’s Choice Ballot!
These awards celebrate and recognize the best our community has to offer. Only the top businesses in each category made it to the final

World-Renowned Telecardiology Care Comes to Olla
OLLA, LA – A new partnership between Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS) and Hardtner Medical Center is bringing telecardiology services to the town of

Central Louisiana Hospitals Encourage COVID-19 Safe Holiday Activities
Once again, our community is facing a resurgence of COVID19. For 10 months, our community has been fighting this pandemic, and we are all

FREE Drive Thru COVID Testing at Hardtner Family Clinic
For ALL students and employees who attend or work at the following schools: OLLA ELEMENTARY, LASALLE JR HIGH & LASALLE HIGH SCHOOLS.