Ambulance Services
Emergency Transport Services
- Critical Care Transport, which includes patients on ventilators, multi-IV pumps, and cardiac Monitoring
- Respond to 911 calls in LaSalle Parish and assist with 911 calls in nearby parishes
Non-Emergency Services
- Scheduled Medical Transportation from home or nursing facility to a medical appointment and return trip.
- Hospital discharge transportation to the nursing home, extended care facilities, or a patient’s home as medically necessary.
- Dialysis Treatment medical transportation
- Cancer Treatment medical transportation
- Long-distance medical transportation
- Special Event medical support stand-by
Community Outreach Services
- Provide onsite EMS personnel for sporting and various special events
- Promote healthy living through events such as Ollla Farmer’s market and LaSalle Safety Senior Event
- National and State approved Emergency Medical Service Training Center
- Initiate EMR courses
- Initial EMT courses
- National Continued Competency Classes for EMR, EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic
- Continued Education Classes for EMR, EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic
- Host PHTLS course.
To schedule non-emergency services, stand-by events, or classes, call Rhea Tannehill at 318-495-3131 ext 250 or email rtannehill@hardtnermedical.com.